You need to explore the environment and use your logical and puzzle solving skills in order to use the elements present around you effectively and progress through the level. However, the mansion is under complete lockdown and it is impossible to approach the building with conventional means. You play the part of a spy who has been given orders to infiltrate the stronghold of La Rouge and take down the villain once and for all. The gameplay takes place completely in the mansion of the main antagonist of the game and your enemy, Ruby La Rouge. This is one of the best story driven puzzle adventure games that we have played in a while on our iOS and android devices, save for ‘The Room 3’ which is also story driven. There are a total of 5 chapters in the series with chapters 1-4 presently available on mobile handheld platforms.

‘Agent A: A Puzzle in Disguise’ is a story driven puzzle adventure game developed and published by Yak and Co.